2014 Accommodations

Honolulu Accommodations for APCONF 2014

Information for APCONF 2014 participants wishing to take advantage of UH campus or local hotel/pre-arranged conference accommodations:

Conference participants are, of course, free to make their own arrangements in Honolulu for whatever style of accommodations they desire. In order to assist participants, however, the APCONF planning committee would like to highlight two locations close to the conference. These are the only two:
1) Pagoda Hotel (locations for the free conference shuttle service)
2) East-West Center housing on UH campus (walking distance to conference)

About transportation from Airport to accommodation:Click

1) Pagoda Hotel

APCONF has made a block reservation for 40 (total) single-double or triple-quad occupancy rooms on hold at the nearby Pagoda Hotel. The hotel features its own full-service restaurant. Note: the hotel is not in Waikiki.www.pagodahotel.com/

Location: 1525 Rycroft Street Honolulu Hawaii
Cost: single-double $99/night plus tax
Triple-quad $124/night plus tax
(Hawaii State GE tax 4.721% plus Hotel tax 9.25% subject to change)
Transportation to venue: Shuttle bus (free for Pagoda guests registered for the Conference)
Shuttle pick-up: Rycroft street hotel entrance 0730 AM. Please make shuttle reservation with Don Froning (froning@hawaii.edu) by 12 March 2014.
Contact information: Worldwide Reservations – 808-954-7423
Hotel Contact – 808-941-6611 or 808-923-4511
Hotel Fax – 808-955-5067
E-Mail – reservations@pagodahotel.com
Arrangement: by individual participant. Rooms are held under group name “Asia Pacific Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage” (arrival May 11, departure May 17) Room reservations must be made by 30 March 2014.
A one-night deposit from the participant to the hotel is due no later than 11 April 2014 in order to hold the room (please return Pagoda Hotel reservation form to the hotel by 11 April).
Please use the booking form: Click

2) East-West Center Housing

East West Center on University of Hawaii campus provides dormitory-style with private bathrooms, but no air conditioning and no hotel services (room service, porter etc).  These rooms are open to the general UH conference visitor (including APCONF participants) on an “as-available” basis.  (Rooms specifically under the “APCONF” block are held only for stipend travelers.)

Arrangement: Reservations/payment must be made by the individual conference visitor.  Please contact EWC.
Location: Lincoln Hall
1821 East-West Road
University of Hawaii Campus
Transportation to venue: short walk 5 minutes
Cost: single occupancy rooms $52/night
double occupancy rooms $64/night
Notes: Check-in time 1400; Check-out time 1000
Coin-operated washers and dryers are available for guest use
Contact information: EWC reservations office
Tel – 808.944.7805
Fax – 808.944.7790
E-Mail – housing@eastwestcenter.org