Conference Theme 1 – Title:
Artefacts on Boats/Ships: Domestic vs Cargo
Theme Abstract:
In this theme we separate the objects on board a vessel from the vessel itself. The sessions will include discussions on what artefacts were onboard that can be identified as domestic (used by the sailors themselves) and cargo (being shipped from one terrestrial destination to another). Domestic goods were required by crew during their voyages. What of these objects and in what way did the objects change due to interaction with different cultural groups? Hauling cargo on to vessels changed maritime infrastructure and vessel features over time through introduced cultural styles. Although we are interested in knowing in what way the vessel itself was changed, in-depth discussion of that topic is not the goal of this Theme, instead it is the ideas of what exactly about the cargo may have caused such changes? How did littoral infrastructure change due to variations of cargo-object quantity and type? The Theme should be open to anyone interested in a discussion on artefacts recovered from boats/ships. Theory will also be welcome. This Theme is open to projects within the Asia-Pacific Region, but if you think you have a comment on this topic and your project is outside the framework area, please submit a paper to one of the Theme organisers.
Theme Organizers:
Dr. Eusebio Z. Dizon Scientist III/Curator I Underwater Archaeology Section Archaeology Division National Museum of the Philippines P.Burgos St., Ermita Manila, 1000 PHILIPPINES . Jennifer Craig DPhil Candidate Brasenose College Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology University of Oxford New Barnett House 28 Little Clarendon St. Oxford, Oxfordshire UNITED KINGDOM . Roderick Stead PhD Candidate The Centre for Maritime ArchaeologyUniversity of Southampton
Highfield, Southampton
SO17 1BF
Conference Theme 2 – Title:
Underwater Cultural heritage and the community
Theme Abstract:
Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) sites are important to other members of the community as well as archaeologists. Site managers, government authorities, tourists, local members of the community, the general public, schools, avocational archaeologists, volunteers, developers, tourism and dive charter operators – all have an interest in the various social, economic and historical aspects of UCH. These various interest groups are commonly termed ‘stakeholders’.
The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage 2001 states that:
Responsible non-intrusive access to observe or document in situ underwater cultural heritage shall be encouraged to create public awareness, appreciation and protection of the heritage except where such access is incompatible with its protection and management (Article 2 (10)).
All stakeholders should have the same goals within the framework of UCH protection, and can take an active role and participation in accordance with their respective capabilities. The active and planned involvement of community is very important to ensure the sustainable use of UCH for future generations. Open communication between site managers and the community is the key for the successful implementation of programs, that accommodate all interested stakeholders without conflict.
Some ways that stakeholders have worked together to achieve beneficial results include:
- Conducting underwater site surveys to generate site plans to use for tourism and public access;
- Installing interpretation signage, and underwater dive trails to interpret sites for visitors;
- Conducting training and public awareness programs;
- Collaborating on research to provide information on sites in a particular area;
- Working together to raise awareness and implement site management strategies to avoid inadvertent, or deliberate damage to important local sites;
- Ensuring all interests are considered so that heritage site preservation and economic development can be balanced.
This theme explores ways in which the communities in the Asia-Pacific region have been involved in protecting and conserving UCH sites, and ways that archaeologists and heritage managers have implemented public outreach programs to promote the sustainable long-term protection, enjoyment and ethical management of UCH sites.
Suggested Sessions:
- Avocational and volunteer communities at work
- UCH site management and public access
- Sustainable use of UCH for economic development
Theme organisers:
Ross Anderson Curator Western Australian Museum Cliff St Fremantle, WA, 6160 AUSTRALIA . Nia Naelul HasanahMaritime Archaeologist
Head of Technical Services and Research Cooperation
Research Institute for Coastal and Marine Resources and Vulnerability
Research and Development Center for Marine and Coastal Resources
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Jalan Raya Padang – Painan Km. 16
Bungus, Padang, West Sumatera